Thursday, March 3, 2011

How to Add a Border to a Picture in Photoshop

Border Around Photos
1. Open up you photo- crop to size you will be working with, make sure the dpi set at 200.
Make sure image has only one layer (flatten image if not).
Choose black for your background color in the color picker. 
2. In order to add a border you will resize the canvas, to do this follow these steps:
  1. Determine the border dimensions you want around your picture; this can be in inches or pixels.  Use the same number for both width and height.  Hit OK, and you have a black border around your picture. 

  1. For a double border- do this two more times.  In my example I have used another white thicker border 0.15inches notice how now I have switched the background color to white.   

  1. And then added another thin black border of 0.10 inch.

Now we will add a border around the entire layout
  1. First click on your background layer, drag it into a new layer (the little square on the bottom of the layers pallet that looks like a turning page) to make a copy.

  2. Then delete the original background layer (drag it into the trash can on the bottom). You can now manipulate the copied layer.
  3. Select it and then click on the little "F" in the circle in the layers pallet, select stroke, select the size of the border you want (use the little slider), then change the position to inside and change to the color you want. This will put the border on your background only.

You are finished- time to print or upload in the DSP gallery

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