Monday, February 28, 2011

How to resize an image in photoshop

Resizing an image is one of the most commonly used skills in Photoshop. It's so common that even people who know virtually nothing about Photoshop still manage to use it to resize their images, which should give you an indication of how incredibly easy it is to do. However, there are some things you need to keep in mind when resizing your images, as we'll see in this Photoshop tutorial.
First, we need a photo for our lesson:
A small hut in Mexico.
This is a photo taken on a trip to Mexico. Of course, the actual photo was much larger than this, but I've resized it in Photoshop to something more suitable for the web page. How did I do that? Quite simply, really. To resize an image in Photoshop, the first thing you need to do is go up to the Image menu at the top of the screen and select "Image Size" from the list of options. This will bring up the Image Size dialog box, as shown below:
Image Size dialog box
The screenshot above of the Image Size dialog box was taken immediately after I opened the photo in Photoshop, before I resized it to the much smaller version you see above. The Image Size dialog box is divided into two main sections - "Pixel Dimensions" and "Document Size". For those of you who have already read through the sections on image resolution, this will be familiar to you, but for the benefit of those of you who simply want to learn how to resize your images, I'll be repeating some of the same information here.
Let's look more closely at the Pixel Dimensions section of the Image Size dialog box:
Pixel Dimensions section of the Image Size dialog box
The Pixel Dimensions part of the Image Size dialog box tells us two things about our image. First, to the right of the words "Pixel Dimensions" is a number, which in this case is "14.6M". This number is telling us the current file size of our image. The "M" stands for megabytes, or "millions of bytes". Knowing the file size of our image is interesting and possibly helpful in some situations, but it doesn't help us with what we want to do at the moment, which is to resize our image. For that, we need the other thing the Pixel Dimensions section is telling us - the width and height of our image.
According to what the Pixel Dimensions section is telling us here, the Mexico photo shown above was 2608 pixels wide by 1952 pixels high when I first opened it inside Photoshop. That's a decent size photo if I wanted to print it, but in this case, I needed a much smaller version of it to use on the web page. So how did I make it smaller? Simple. I changed the numbers for width and height to what I needed:
Pixel Dimensions section of the Image Size dialog box with the new values for width and height
As you can see in the screenshot above, my Mexico photo now has a width of only 450 pixels and a height of only 337 pixels. Making the change is easy. Simply double-click inside one of the two value boxes, which will highlight the number currently showing in the box, and type a new value. When you're done, click the OK button and Photoshop will resize your image to the new dimensions you've specified. It's really that simple.
You can also resize your image by a percentage of the original image size rather than typing in a specific pixel value. If you look closely at the width and height values, you'll notice that to the right of the word "pixels" is a down-pointing arrow. If you click on that arrow, a drop-down menu will appear which gives you the options to choose between "pixels" and "percent":
You can resize your images either by a specific pixel value or by a percentage of the original image size
Once you've chosen "percent" as the means in which you want to resize your image, the width and height of your image will change to a percentage rather than a pixel value. Resizing the image using a percentage is done the same way as if you were using pixel values. Just double-click inside the width or height value box once again and type in a new percentage. When you're done, click the OK button and Photoshop will resize the image to whatever percent value you entered.
You'll notice, unless you've changed the default settings, that when you double-click inside one of the value boxes and type a new number, the number in the other box changes as well. In other words, if you try to change the value for the width of your image, the height will change along with it. That's because by default, Photoshop constrains the image proportions, which is usually what you want Photoshop to do anyway. Normally, you wouldn't change the width of a photo without changing the height as well. Photoshop gives you a visual indication that the width and height of your image are linked together by displaying a black line that appears to join the width and height sections along the right side of the Pixel Dimensions section, with a small link icon to the right of the line.
You can choose to unconstrain the proportions though and change the width without it affecting the height, and vice versa, by unchecking the "Constrain Proportions" checkbox at the bottom of the Image Size dialog box. I've highlighted it below:
Constrain Proportions
As you can see, by default, the Constrain Proportions option is checked. Simply uncheck it if you want to be able to change the width and height of your image independently of each other.

Resizing And Image Quality

There's something you need to keep in mind though when it comes to resizing your image and image quality. The basic rule is, it's usually okay to make your image smaller without losing much in the way of image quality. However (and this is a big "however"), you will absolutely lose image quality if you try to make your image larger. Let's look at an example:
Here's the photo again that I used above:
A hut in Mexico
As we saw earlier, this image has dimensions of 450 pixels wide by 337 pixels high. I'm going use the Image Size dialog box to make this image 50% of this size. I do that by choosing "Percent" as the means in which I want to resize my image, and then double-click inside the "Width" value box and type "50". Since I have "Constrain Proportions" checked at the bottom of the dialog box, Photoshop will automatically change the height percentage as well to match the change I made to the width. Then I click the OK button and Photoshop resizes my image to 50% of its original size. Here's what it looks like after being made 50% smaller:
Mexico hut 50% smaller
As you can see, the image is much smaller but the quality of the image remains fairly consistent. Let's see what happens though if I take the image after being resized to 50% of it's original size and try to enlarge it back to its original size. To do that, I'll need to enlarge this image by 200%, which will make it twice as large as it is now and bring it back to its original size. Again, to do this in the Image Size dialog box, since I already have "Percent" chosen as my means of resizing the image, I simply double-click inside the "Width" dialog box and type in "200". Again, because I have "Constrain Proportions" checked, Photoshop will make the change to the height to match the change I made to the width. Once I click the OK button, Photoshop will go ahead and enlarge my image by 200%, which should bring it back to the size it was originally. Here's the image after being resized by 200%. I'll include the original image again directly below it so you can more easily compare the two versions:
Mexico hut photo after being resized by 200%
Mexico hut before resizing
The image on top is the image resized by 200% to bring it back to its original size, while the image below is the original image before we did any resizing. The resized image on top is definitely back to the same size as the original, but it sure doesn't look as good anymore, does it? We've lost a lot of detail in the image, and now it appears soft and blurry. If I was to try and enlarge it even further, the image quality would be even worse.
Here's what's happening. When you open up an image inside Photoshop and then use the Image Size dialog box to make the image smaller, Photoshop makes it smaller essentially by throwing away pixels. That's how Photoshop makes images smaller, by taking some of the pixels and throwing them out the window, so-to-speak. Photoshop is really good though at knowing which pixels it can throw away and still maintain image quality, so making our images smaller isn't usually a problem.
The problem comes in when we ask Photoshop to make our images larger. If Photoshop makes them smaller by taking some of the pixels in our image and throwing them away, how do you think it makes images larger? If you said "By adding pixels to the image?", you'd be right! Here's the stumper though. Where does Photoshop get these new pixels from that it's adding to the image? If you said "Um, I'm not sure. I guess it just kind of makes them up out of thin air", you'd be right again! And there's the problem. I don't mean that you've been right twice in a row, that's not a problem. That's great! The problem is, when Photoshop makes an image larger, it has to add pixels that were not there before, leaving Photoshop to guess as to what these new pixels are supposed to look like. Now, it uses some very complicated and advanced algorithms to guess, but the bottom line is, it's still just guessing, and it's not going to guess correctly. The larger you try to make your image, the worse your image is going to look. It will have a very soft and blurry appearance, not the crisp and sharp image you'd normally want.
So again, when resizing your image, it's okay to make your images smaller, but you should avoid making them larger at all cost unless you absolutely don't care about image quality. And who doesn't care about image quality? That's just nonsense.
We hope you found this Photoshop tutorial both helpful and enjoyable. Every tutorial at Photoshop is available free of charge, but we do welcome donations so we can continue adding new tutorials. If you found this and other tutorials on the website helpful and would like to make a donation, please click on the "PayPal Donate" button below:

how to change password in gmail

Changing your password

Here's how to change your password:
  1. Sign in to Gmail.
  2. Click the gear icon at the top of any Gmail page, then Mail settings, and open the Accounts and Import tab.
  3. In the 'Change account settings' section, click Change password.
  4. In the new window, enter your current password and your new password.
Make sure you create a unique password to help keep someone from breaking in to your account. Here are a few tips for creating your password, and keeping it safe:
  • Never tell anyone your password.
  • It should be easy for you to remember without being obvious for someone else to guess.
  • Never write down your password. Even though your password will look random to others, think of a way to remember it so that you don't have to write it down.
  • Change your password periodically.
  • Don't choose a dictionary word as your password. Be creative.
  • Include punctuation marks. Mix capital and lowercase letters. Use numbers. A variety of characters makes it harder to guess a password.
If your password isn't working, you'll need to go through our password recovery process. Google Apps users, please contact your organization's IT admin for help with password recovery.

how to export a function from c# dll


In this article, I would like to explain how to create and use DLLs in C Sharp. Before writing code, we will examine some basics of a DLL in the .NET framework; for example, how it's loaded in the process address space, how CLR is initialized, and the mechanism behind the screen. First, we will talk about MSCorEE.dll; you will find this guy in the %windir%\system32\ directory. MSCorEE.dll stands for Microsoft Component object runtime Execution Engine. The existence of this file tells you that you have installed the .NET framework in your system. This DLL is responsible for initializing the CLR.
Whenever you create an assembly, the compiler/linker emits the following 6-byte x86 stub function into the PE file's .text section:
JMP _CorExeMain for Exe or JMP _CorDllMain for Dll.
Figure 1 shows the Portable Executable (PE) file format. This stub function is implemented inside the MSCorEE.dll. So, this dll must be referenced somewhere in the PE file. Yes, your guess is right; it's referenced in the .idata section of the PE file. The .idata section is used to refer import libraries for assembly.

Figure 1—The PE file format.
We have given all the hints and clues to the Windows loader, so here we go.... When the managed assembly file is invoked, the Windows loader completes the following steps:
  1. Loads the PE file, parses the .idata section, and loads MSCorEE.dll (if it's not already loaded) into the process's address space.
  2. Takes the address of _CorExeMain in the case of an Exe assembly, or _CorDllMain in the case of a DLL assembly function, inside the MSCoreEE.dll.
  3. Using the address from Step 2, the Windows loader fixes the stub function JMP instruction (from the .text section PE).
At this point, the process's primary thread starts executing the stub function; that is, it jumps to _CorExeMain for Exe or _CorDllMain for Dll in the MSCorEE.dll. The _CorExeMain or _CorDllMain initializes the CLR and looks for a managed entry point from the assembly's CLR header and starts executting. Here the IL code for the method is compiled into native CPU instructions and the CLR jumps to native code. That's it; the managed applications code is running.
The framework differentiates between managed executive and managed DLL files because of the stub function stored in the .text section of the PE file. For Exe, the stub function is JMP _CorExeMain and for Dll the stub function is JMP _CorDllMain. The Windows loader differentiates this function and fixes the corresponding address from the MSCorEE.dll.
I think now we know how a managed exe/dll loads in the process address space and how CLR gets initialized. Okay, time for coding. Here we develop a small DLL and a test container for that. This DLL will export three functions, each from one class in a namespace.
Open a new C# WindowsApplication project in Visual Studio .NET. Name the Project MathFunctions.
Add the following three classes to this project. Name them something like AddClass.cs, MultiClass.cs, and FactorialClass.cs.
Listing 1. AddClass.cs
using System;

namespace MathFunctions
  public class AddClass
    public static int Add(int a, ant b)
      return (a+b);
Listing 2. MultiClass.cs
using System;

namespace MathFunctions
  public class MultiClass
    public static int Multiply(int a, int b)
      return (a*b);
Listing 3. FactorialClass.cs
namespace MathFunctions
  public class FactorialClass
    public static int Factorial(int i)
      return((i <= 1) ? 1 : (i * Factorial(i-1)));

Our idea is to export AddClass::Add, MultiClass:: Multiply, and FactorialClass::Factorial from the namespace MathFunctions. That's it; we're finished coding.
Go to the command line and type the following.
CSC /target:library /out:MyFunctions.dll AddClass.cs
     MultiClass.cs FactorialClass.cs
Go to the command line option /target:library and ask the C Sharp Compiler/Linker to output a DLL instead of an EXE. It's possible to have a different name for the DLL; for example, /out:MyFunctions.dll directs the compiler to output the DLL with the name MyFunctionsLib; otherwise, it will take the default name from the first .cs file. Here, it's AddClass.dll.
Now comes the test container for this DLL. Create a new WindowsApplication project by right-clicking the solution in the Solution Explorer pane. Name it DllTestApp.
Add the following line to the Using section.
using MathFunctions;
Add the following code to the click of button1.
private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
int add = AddClass.Add(125,125);
  int mul = MultiClass.Multiply(25,25);
  int fac = FactorialClass.Factorial(5);

  string str = "Addition result = " + add.ToString() + "\n"
       + "Multiplication result = " + mul.ToString() + "\n"
       + "Factorial result = " + fac.ToString();

  MessageBox.Show(str, "MyDllTestDialog");

To refer to the DLL in our project, right-click the project's reference and click Add Reference. This displays tabbed panes that list the various types of components and projects you can browse. On the .NET tab, click the Brows button and browse for the DLL to which you want to refer (here, MyFunctions.dll), and click OK.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

how to travel using a handheld GPS ?

GPS (Global Positioning System) was first implemented by the military so that soldiers would know where they are, how to navigate, and for targeting information for weapon delivery. Now it's available to the public. It is used by drivers, hikers, boaters and pilots. With GPS you can know where you are anywhere in the world. And know approximately how far any destination is from where you are, what direction to go, and how long it will take to get there.


  1. 1
    Turn on your GPS. It takes anywhere from 15 seconds to 1 minute to acquire the satellites' transmission. Once acquired you are then able to determine your location with at least 3 satellites, and if you have 4 satellites, you can also get altitude.
  2. 2
    Create a waypoint. Depending on the model of GPS reciever you are using, you may have to scroll through the pages to find the page with the "create waypoint" option. A waypoint can be a destination, where you are currently or an intermediate point between your starting point and final stop.
  3. 3
    Determine which way is north. As soon as you start walking, your heading will be displayed which is the compass direction you are walking. If you select a waypoint destination, then a desired track is calculated from your current position to the destination.
  4. 4
    Get your map oriented or turned the right way. Simply figure out which way is north by walking a few steps and turn until you see either 0 or 360 or north showing on the heading indicator. Now turn the top of the map to point north. Usually the GPS will have a moving map built into it.
  5. 5
    Walk directly to the waypoint. Your heading will equal the desired track or course. If you have to walk around an obstacle, then you will get off course for a little while. However, the GPS will still show you the bearing or heading that you should go to walk directly to the destination. It can also show the course to steer to quickly intercept and get back on your original course.

how to connect computer to tv ?

Connect your computer to a TV

To connect your computer to a TV, your computer needs to have an output port that matches one of the input ports on your TV.
Illustration of VGA, DVI, composite video, S-Video, HDMI, and component video connections

how to renew your passport ?

If you want to renew an expired passport in India the correct term is "re-issue." An expired passport cannot be renewed and using that term will make an already tedious process virtually impossible. If you gather the correct documents before hand and allow yourself ample time before your travels, you will be able to get your expired passport in India easily. As long as your passport has not been expired for more than three years, you will be able to have it re-issued.

Things You'll Need:

    * Passport application
    * Black or blue ink pen
    * Proof of date of birth
    * Old passport
    * Citizenship document (if applicable)
    * Repatriate expenditure document (if applicable)
    * Identity certificate (Government/Public Sector/Statutory Body Employees Only)
    * Photocopies of first and last four pages
    * Photocopy of ECR/ECNR stamp or Proof of Matriculation or Degree
    * Proof of address
    * 3 color passport size photos
    * Passport fee
    * Authorization letter (if applicable)


      Fill out your current name in the area provided in column 1, surname first. If you do not have a surname, leave this area blank and fill out only your given name in the space provided. There is enough room on the form for 75 letters in your name. Avoid using initials and print clearly. In column 2, fill out your prior name if any.
      In the column 3 indicate your gender. If you are male, print "M." If you are female, print "F." If your gender is other (hermaphrodite or gender re-assigned from birth gender) print an "X" in the space provided.
      Fill out the remainder of the form clearly, the rest of the columns are self explanatory. If a column (such as spouse's name) does not apply to you, write "not applicable" in the space provided. Do not write "N/A."
      If you are filling out the form for someone who is illiterate, make sure that that their thumb print is clearly impressed in the correct boxes with the left hand thumb used for males and the right hand thumb used for females.
      Gather the correct monies to cover the fees associated with re-issuing your passport. A 36-page passport valid for 10 years costs about RS/1000 in India. Check online or call a passport center to check for the most current fees.
      Submit the form at any passport office, Speed Post center, District Passport Cell, or Passport Collection center. Make sure you have all the additional documents required with you at that time and required fees. If you are submitting for someone else, make sure you also have a signed authorization letter with you.

Friday, February 25, 2011

how to create a twitter account ?

How to create an account:

  1. Navigate to and click the yellow button on the right hand of your screen, or simply navigate to
  2. Fill in the first field with your full name.
  3. Select a username. Try to pick something that describes you - whether it's a nickname, an interest or a hobby.
  4. Enter a password. Be tricky! Make sure your password contains letters, numbers, and symbols.
  5. Enter your email address.
  6. Fill in the Captcha to prove you're human, not a machine!
  7. Pick sources that interest you (more on this below).
  8. Search for Friends, and follow them.

Tip: Choosing a Username

Your username is the name your followers use when sending @replies, direct messages, or Retweets. It will also form the URL of your home timeline. Please note: You can change your username in your account settings at any time, as long as the new username is not in use. Usernames must be fewer than 15 characters in length, and cannot contain 'admin' or 'twitter' in order to avoid brand confusion.

Tip: Entering Your Email

We use this to confirm your account before you can finish the signup process. Be sure to enter an email address that you actively use. Emails can only be tied to one Twitter account at a time in our system.

1. Finding Sources That Interest You

Twitter is more useful and fun when you're getting regular updates relevant to your interests, so try the following:
  1. Select some of your interests from the left-hand side of the screen.
  2. Browse the sources listed accounts you might like to follow. (A new list of suggested sources is generated every time you click an interest.)
  3. Clicking the 'follow' button next to a user's name will add them to the list of users you are following. This is indicated by the number in the green square above the list.
  4. After you've followed users suggested in one area of interest, select another and find more sources to follow!
  5. When finished, click the blue 'Next: friends' button in the lower right hand side of your screen.

2. Getting Personal: Contact Import

If you choose, Twitter can scan your email address book in order to find contacts that are also using Twitter. It's a fast and easy way to find your friends.
  1. Simply type your email address and your email password into the boxes, then hit 'Find friends.' Twitter does not store your login, and we will not use your email address without your permission.
  2. When you see a list of the friends and colleagues found in your address book, follow them!
    • Follow all of them by selecting the blue 'Follow All' button on the right hand side of the results
    • Or if you'd like to see updates only from specific people, you can choose to ask to follow your email contacts individually using the grey 'send request' button next to their information.
  3. Click the 'Next: others' button at the bottom of your screen.
  4. A box will pop-up with your remaining contacts who are not on Twitter. To invite them to join Twitter, check the boxes next to the contacts you wish to invite - or click "select all" at the top.
    Please note: if you click 'select all' and proceed, it will invite all contacts in your address book.


3. Finding Friends with Twitter Search

To complete signup, search for anyone else you would like to add on Twitter. This example will demonstrate searching for Biz Stone, who did not show up in my contact import.
  1. Type the name of the person you're searching for into the search box.
  2. A list of matching accounts will show. Click the 'Follow' button next to any you wish to begin Following. A confirmation message will appear.
  3. When finished, click the blue 'Next step: you're done!' button to finish the sign up process. You will be taken to your home page, known as your timeline, where you can now share information via Tweets, as in the example shown below.
  4. Press 'update' and you've successfully posted your first Tweet. Congratulations and welcome to Twitter!
Fig. 11 - finding users via name search

how to upload videos on facebook ?

Make sure the video is encoded in one of the following formats:
QuickTime Movie (mov)
Windows Media Video (wmv)
AVI Video (avi)
MPEG Video (mpg, mpeg)
Windows Media Video (asf)
MPEG-4 Video (mp4, mpeg4)
Mobile Video (3gpp, 3gp, 3g2)
Matroska Format (mkv)
Flash Player Video (flv)
DVD Video (vob)
Ogg Format (ogm)
Nullsoft Video (nsv)

you need to add the Video application to your account. You can find this application here, you can click this link after you log in.…

Once you have this application, follow these steps to upload a video:

1-Go to your profile.
2-Select the Wall tab.
3-Click 'Video' inside the Publisher box.
4-Select which type of video you'd like to make.
5-Follow the on screen directions for your particular upload type.

When you're done, click "Post" to generate a story about your video and store the video permanently in My Videos

how to install windows operating system on mac ?

One of the huge advantages of getting an Apple computer with the Intel processor is the ability to run a native boot version of Windows. Lets face it, we still live in a Windows world no matter how much faster, safer, and more productive the Mac OS X operating system is.
But as Apple continues it’s rise in popularity, you can feel safe in making the switch to an Apple computer now because there really is nothing it can’t do. With the addition of Apple Boot Camp software, which now comes with the Leopard version of Mac OS X, you can easily setup Windows XP or even Vista as a dual boot system.
There are a few tips that I can give you to make this process go smoothly because even though it is easy to get everything setup, there are a couple of things in the setup guide that I didn’t bother to read first that caused problems.
The first step is to run the Boot Camp Assistant application. You can find this by going to Applications -> Utilities. Run through the steps in this wizard and create the partition for your Windows installation. When you finish, it will ask you to put your Windows installation disk in.  You will need to make sure you have a full installation disk, not an upgrade disk.  Also, if you are installing Windows XP then it has to be a SP2 install disk.
Put in the installation disk and restart. This will allow it to boot to the installation disk and start the Windows installation process. Go through the installation wizard to the partition selection page. At this page, select the Windows partition you created with the Boot Camp Assistant. On the format options, make sure you select the Full format FAT32 option. You cannot use the Quick format option or it will cause problems with finishing the installation.
After the Windows installation has finished copying the installation files to the hard drive and restarts, make sure you hold down the Option button so it gives you the option to boot into the Windows partition. If you do not do this, you’ll never complete the installation because it will just keep booting to the Mac OS partition.
Once you’ve completed the Windows installation, you’ll need to run the setup.exe program from the Leopard installation disk to let it finish setting up and installing the drivers to make all of the hardware function correctly in windows.
One last optional step to improve the access to your Windows OS is to buy and install Parallel’s Desktop 3.0 for Mac. This will give you the ability to run both operating systems at the same time as well as mirror and share files between the two operating system.

how to learn computer basics online ?

Welcome to a short, easy-to-master, web based course on basic online skills. Our goal is to give you a solid foundation. Once you have understood these basics, you will have a clear understanding on which to build your future knowledge of and skill with computers and the Internet.
This course is divided into four separate modules: Computer Skills; E-Mail Skills; Word Processing Skills and Web Skills. Each module is self-paced and includes review questions so you can check how much you have learned.
To begin, click on any of the four module links below:
Computer Skills | E-Mail Skills | Word Processing Skills | Web Skills

How to Buy Used Books on Amazon


    Sign In

  1. 1
    Go to
  2. 2
    Click on "New Customer Start Here" or sign into your account.
  3. 3
    Fill in login and sign in information.
  4. Create New Account

  5. Enter your email address. Click "Sign In" using our secure server.
  6. Fill in Registration info: Name, Email, Password. Click "continue."
  7. Your Amazon Account is set up.
  8. Buy Used Books

  9. Go to home page.
  10. In the browse toolbar, click "Books."
  11. Search for your book: book genre, book title or author. You also can use "Browse Keyword" toolbar categories.
  12. When you find an item that interests you, click the title or the name of the item to see its product detail page.
  13. Click the "New and Used" link to check out the list of books that are available in used condition.
  14. Click the "Used" tab.
  15. Check out reviews for the book's condition and seller info.
  16. Shopping Cart

  17. After finding the book that you are looking for, click "Add to Cart."
  18. If you have more shopping to do, repeat steps 3-7 above.
  19. If you are done shopping, go to shopping cart link at top of page.
  20. Confirm shopping cart items. Enter quantity if it is different then default 1. Update the shopping cart if any changes were made to your order.
  21. Click on yellow "Proceed to Check out" button on right toolbar. Sign in. Enter and verify your shipping address. Click "Continue."
  22. Select shipping method and press "Continue."
  23. Select your payment method. Fill out your payment information and press "Continue."
  24. Review details about the products you ordered, billing info and shipping info. Click on "Place Your Order."
  25. Check your order status for current info about shipping and delivery times.

how to shop using paypal ?

PayPal is a money transfer site which allows an individual to send funds to others or make online purchases. PayPal is a popular site for transferring money online, but learning how to use PayPal will ease transactions.

PayPal is an online financial middleman that facilitates the transfer of money between people and businesses online. Users only need to share private financial information with PayPal, not unknown parties. PayPal can be used to buy things online, shop on eBay, or receive money from friends. There are three different types of PayPal account – Personal, Premier and Business

A PayPal account can receive money as soon as it has been created, but to use it to send money or to buy products online, the user needs to set up a means of getting funds into the account. Normally the PayPal account is linked to an existing bank account, or to a credit or debit card.

Paypal has been subject to scams and security issues which the user needs to be aware of. Paypal can also be linked to software such Quicken, Skype and Facebook.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

how to send email using outlook ?

Write an E-Mail Message, Send It Now

E-mail addresses must be letter-perfect in order for your mail to reach the intended destination, and Outlook Express is rich with options for addressing messages accurately. You type a few letters of the person's name in the To or CC (for carbon copy) lines, and then Outlook Express automatically supplies the full address from your address book.
1.Click the Create Mail button.
Create Mail button
Create Mail button
2.In the To box, type the first few letters of your recipient's name as shown below. When Outlook Express proposes the name you want, press the Enter key.
If the name isn't in your address book, type the complete e-mail address. Capitalization doesn't matter, and there should be no spaces in the address.
3.Repeat step 2 for each person you want to send the message to, separating names with a comma or semi-colon.
4.To send copies of your e-mail, follow steps 2 and 3 above in the CC box as shown below for each person who will get a copy.
To and CC fields on a new mail message
To and CC fields on a new mail message
5.Type a brief subject for your message as shown below.
Outlook Express will remind you if you forget this.
6.Click in the message area, and type your message as shown below.
7.Click Send as shown below.
If Outlook Express asks for confirmation of any name, click the correct name in the Check Names box, and click OK.
E-mail message subject and body, and Send button
E-mail message subject and body, and Send button
TipProtect the privacy of your recipients' e-mail addresses. The polite way to send e-mail to a large group of people—a change of e-mail address, a joke, and so on—is to put the recipients' names in the BCC (blind carbon copy) line. Names and e-mail addresses in the BCC line are invisible to everyone who receives your message; when a recipient opens the message, only the sender's name appears (in the To line). If the BCC line isn't visible, on the View menu, click All Headers. Then follow the instructions in step 2 above to add names to the BCC line.

Write an E-Mail Message, Send It Later

You can compose e-mail while your computer is disconnected from the Internet.
Follow the steps in the Write an E-Mail Message, Send It Now section above.
When you click Send, Outlook Express lets you know that it's storing your message in the Outbox—it's in the Folder list—and then sends it automatically when you go online.
TipSave your e-mail. Outlook Express also automatically saves messages as you write them, so if your computer shuts down unexpectedly, your messages will be waiting for you in the Drafts folder. But for extra safety, it's not a bad idea—particularly for an important message—to save your e-mail message as you write. To do this, click Save, on the File menu.

Send an E-Mail Message in a Hurry

If Outlook Express doesn't send your e-mail messages as fast as you'd like, you can take matters into your own hands to speed them on their way.
Click the Send/Recv button.
Outlook Express immediately sends all messages in the Outbox (and retrieves any messages from the Internet service provider).
Send/Recv button on Outlook Express toolbar
Send/Recv button on Outlook Express toolbar

Attach a File to an E-Mail Message

It's easy to attach files to e-mail—a picture of the new baby, the paper you're coauthoring, your tax file for the accountant, or a favorite song. It's rather like paper-clipping something to a letter.
1.In your message, click the Attach button.
Attach button on e-mail toolbar
Attach button on e-mail toolbar
2.Browse until you find the file you want to attach as shown below.
3.Click the file, and then click Attach as shown below.
If you want to enclose more than one file, repeat steps 1 through 3.
Attachment box
Attachment box
4.Finish the message if you haven't already, and click the Send button.
Attach field showing attached document
Attach field showing attached document
5.The attachments show up (!) here in the message.

How can I install Windows XP Pro on my computer?

Step #1: Plan your installation

When you run the Windows XP Professional Setup program, you must provide information about how to install and configure the operating system. Thorough planning can make your installation of Windows XP Professional more efficient by helping you to avoid potential problems during installation. An understanding of the configuration options will also help to ensure that you have properly configured your system.

I won't go into that part right now but here are some of the most important things you should take into consideration when planning for your XP installation:

* Check System Requirements
* Check Hardware and Software Compatibility
* Determine Disk Partitioning Options
* Choose the Appropriate File System: FAT, FAT32, NTFS
* Decide on a Workgroup or Domain Installation
* Complete a Pre-Installation Checklist

After you made sure you can go on, start the installation process.
Step #2: Beginning the installation process

You can install Windows XP in several methods - all are valid and good, it all depends upon your needs and your limitations.

* Manual installations usually come in 3 flavors:
* Boot from CD - No existing partition is required.
* Boot from the 6 Setup Boot Disks, then insert the CD - No existing partition is required (see the Create Setup Boot Disks for Windows XP page).
* Boot from an MS-DOS startup floppy, go to the command prompt, create a 4GB FAT32 partition with FDISK, reboot, format the C partition you've created, then go to the CD drive, go into the I386 folder, and run the WINNT.EXE command.
* Run an already installed OS, such as Windows NT 4.0 Server. From within NT 4.0 go to the I386 folder in the W2K installation CD and run the WINNT32.EXE command.
* If you want to upgrade a desktop OS such as Windows 98 into Windows 2000 Professional you can follow the same procedure as above (You cannot upgrade Windows 98 into W2K Server).

There are other non-manual installation methods, such as using an unattended file along with a uniqueness database file, using Sysprep, using RIS or even running unattended installations from within the CD itself, but we won't go into that right now.

It doesn't matter how you run the setup process, but the moment it runs - all setup methods look alike.
Step #3: The text-based portion of the Setup program

The setup process begins loading a blue-looking text screen (not GUI). In that phase you will be asked to accept the EULA and choose a partition on which to install XP, and if that partition is new, you'll be asked to format it by using either FAT, FAT32 or NTFS.

1. Start the computer from the CD.

1. You can press F6 if you need to install additional SCSI adapters or other mass-storage devices. If you do you will be asked to supply a floppy disk with the drivers and you CANNOT browse it (or a CD for that matter). Make sure you have one handy.

1. If you want, you can press F2 to run the ASR sequence. For that you need a good backup created by the Windows XP backup program, and the ASR floppy disk. If you plan to install a new copy of XP - don't do anything.

1. Setup will load all the needed files and drivers.

1. Select To Setup Windows XP Professional Now. If you want, and if you have a previous installation of XP, you can try to fix it by pressing R. If not, just press ENTER.

1. Read and accept the licensing agreement and press F8 if you accept it.

1. Select or create the partition on which you will install Windows XP Professional. Depending upon your existing disk configuration choose one of the following:

* If the hard disk is unpartitioned, you can create and size the partition on which you will install Windows XP Professional.

* If the hard disk is already partitioned, but has enough unpartitioned disk space, you can create an additional partition in the unpartitioned space.
* If the hard disk already has a partition that is large enough, you can install Windows XP Professional on that partition. If the partition has an existing operating system, you will overwrite that operating system if you accept the default installation path. However, files other than the operating system files, such as program files and data files, will not be overwritten.
* If the hard disk has an existing partition, you can delete it to create more unpartitioned space for the new partition. Deleting an existing partition erases all data on that partition.

If you select a new partition during Setup, create and size only the partition on which you will install Windows XP Professional. After installation, use Disk Management to partition the remaining space on the hard disk.

1. Select a file system for the installation partition. After you create the partition on which you will install Windows XP Professional, you can use Setup to select the file system with which to format the partition. Windows XP Professional supports the NTFS file system in addition to the file allocation table (FAT) and FAT32 file systems. Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Professional, Windows 2000, and Windows NT are the only Microsoft operating systems that you can use to gain access to data on a local hard disk that is formatted with NTFS. If you plan to gain access to files that are on a local Windows XP Professional partition with the Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows 98 operating systems, you should format the partition with a FAT or FAT32 file system. We will use NTFS.

1. Setup will then begin copying necessary files from the installation point (CD, local I386 or network share).
2. Note: If you began the installation process from an MS-DOS floppy, make sure you have and run SMARTDRV from the floppy, otherwise the copying process will probably last more than an hour, perhaps even more. With SMARTDRV (or if setup was run by booting from CD) the copying will probably last a few minutes, no more than 5 max.

1. The computer will restart in graphical mode, and the installation will continue.

Step #4: The GUI-based portion of the Setup program

The setup process reboots and loads a GUI mode phase.

It will then begin to load device drivers based upon what it finds on your computer. You don't need to do anything at this stage.

1. Click Customize to change regional settings, if necessary.

* Current System Locale - Affects how programs display dates, times, currency, and numbers. Choose the locale that matches your location, for example, French (Canada).
* Current Keyboard Layout - Accommodates the special characters and symbols used in different languages. Your keyboard layout determines which characters appear when you press keys on the keyboard.

If you don't need to make any changes just press Next.

If you do need to make changes press Customize and add your System Locale etc.

Note for Hebrew users: Unlike W2K, it is SAFE and it is OK for you to install Hebrew language support at this phase.
To install Hebrew support:

After pressing Customize go to the Languages tab and select the "Install files for complex script and right-to-left languages".

A warning message will appear. Press Ok.

Warning: You must now press Apply!!!

Setup will copy the necessary files from the installation point.

You can now go to the Regional Options tab and select Israel in the Location drop-down list, and Hebrew in the Standards and Formats drop-down list. Click Ok.

1. Type your name and organization.

1. Type the product key.

1. Type the computer name and a password for the local Administrator account. The local Administrator account resides in the SAM of the computer, not in Active Directory. If you will be installing in a domain, you need either a pre-assigned computer name for which a domain account has been created, or the right to create a computer account within the domain.

1. Select the date, time, and time zone settings.

1. Setup will now install the networking components.

After a few seconds you will receive the Networking Settings window. BTW, if you have a NIC that is not in the HCL (see the What's the HCL? page) and XP cannot detect it, or if you don't have a NIC at all, setup will skip this step and you will immediately go to the final phase of the setup process.

Press Next to accept the Typical settings option if you have one of the following situations:

* You have a functional DHCP on your network.
* You have a computer running Internet Connection Sharing (ICS).
* You're in a workgroup environment and do not plan to have any other servers or Active Directory at all, and all other workgroup members are configured in the same manner.

Otherwise select Custom Settings and press Next to customize your network settings.

1. One thing you CAN do (you don't have to do it, it's your call - read more about it on the Increase Internet Connection Speed in Windows XP page) is to uninstall the Qos Packet Scheduler. Click it and press the Uninstall button. If you want to keep it you can simply remove the mark from the QoS check-box. In anyway you can later install or uninstall it if you want.

Keep the TCP/IP, Client for Microsoft Networks and the File and Print Sharing options selected.

1. Highlight the TCP/IP selection and press Properties.

In the General tab enter the required information. You must specify the IP address of the computer, and if you don't know what the Subnet Mask entry should be - you can simply place your mouse pointer over the empty area in the Subnet Mask box and click it. The OS will automatically select the value it thinks is good for the IP address you provided.

If you don't know what these values mean, or if you don't know what to write in them, press cancel and select the Typical Settings option. You can easily change these values later.

1. In the Workgroup or Domain window enter the name of your workgroup or domain.

* A workgroup is a small group of computers on a network that enables users to work together and does not support centralized administration.
* A domain is a logical grouping of computers on a network that has a central security database for storing security information. Centralized security and administration are important for computers in a domain because they enable an administrator to easily manage computers that are geographically distant from each other. A domain is administered as a unit with common rules and procedures. Each domain has a unique name, and each computer within a domain has a unique name.

If you're a stand-alone computer, or if you don't know what to enter, or if you don't have the sufficient rights to join a domain - leave the default entry selected and press Next.

If you want to join a domain (NT 4.0 domain of W2K/2003 Active Directory domain) enter the domain's name in the "Yes, make this computer a member of the following domain" box.

To successfully join a domain you need the following:

* The person performing the installation must have a user account in Active Directory. This account does not need to be the domain Administrator account.


* The computer must have an existing computer account in the Active Directory database of the domain that the computer is joining, and the computer must be named exactly as its domain account is named.


* The person performing the installation must have appropriate permission to create a domain account for the computer during installation.

Also, you need to have connectivity to the domain's domain controllers (only to the PDC if on an NT 4.0 domain) and a fully functional DNS server (only in AD domains). Read the Joining a Domain in Windows XP Pro and Requirements when Joining a Domain pages for more on this issue.

Enter the Active Directory domain name (in the form of xxx.yyy, for example: DPETRI.NET) or the NetBIOS name of the NT 4.0 domain (in the form of xxx, for example: DPETRI). Press Next.

Note: If you provide a wrong domain name or do not have the correct connectivity to the domain's DNS server you will get an error message.

A username/password window will appear. Enter the name and password of the domain's administrator (or your own if you're the administrator on the target domain).

Note: Providing a wrong username or password will cause this phase to fail.

1. Next the setup process will finish copying files and configuring the setup. You do not need to do anything.

1. After the copying and configuring phase is finished, if XP finds that you have a badly configured screen resolution it will advise you to change it and ask you if you see the new settings right.

BTW, the minimum supported screen resolution in XP is 800X600.

1. Setup finishes and boots Windows XP.

1. A Welcome screen is the first thing you see. The computer checks your Internet connectivity (required for the mandatory Activation and voluntary Registration processes).

You will be asked to register your copy of XP. You can decline if you want.

1. XP will ask you for the default username that will log onto this computer. You can enter as many as 5 users, but you can create more after the installation is finished.

BTW, the Administrator is not shown as a valid logon option (read more about it on the Add the Administrator's Account to the Welcome Screen in XP Pro page).

1. That's it! you're done!

How to Format a Hard Drive With Windows XP

If you want to format a hard drive while using or installing Windows XP, you've come to the right place. This can be very useful for clearing everything off a secondary drive or when installing a fresh copy of Windows. Formatting a computer hard drive is simple and can help eliminate viruses, storage issues and other hard-to-resolve problems.


1. When you format a computer hard drive you will lose everything that is on the drive. Therefore, it is very important to back up anything you might want later. Additionally, if you are going to be formatting and installing XP you need to make sure you have the discs for any applications or third party hardware you use since you will need to re-install your programs and drivers after re-installing Windows.

2. Take a moment to think of anything that you have on the computer that you wouldn't want to lose. Generally, you probably want everything in your My Documents folder, and you also want to save things like your favorites or bookmarks from your Web browser. Remember that each user on the computer has his or her own My Documents folder, Desktop items and Favorites/Bookmarks.
3. Save everything to a CD, DVD or a hard drive that you won't be formatting.
Formatting a Secondary Hard Drive
4. Right-Click on the "My Computer" icon either on your desktop or in the Start Menu and select "Manage."
5. A new window titled "Computer Management" comes up. Select "Storage" from the left hand side by clicking it once, then select "Disk Management(local)" from the right side by double-clicking it.
6. Now in the lower part of the main frame (right side) of the window you should see a nice visual of all your hard drives. Each line is a different drive. Each box on a line (with a colored bar at the top and a size displayed in MB or GB) is a partition on the drive. Partitions are separations of space on a drive. Unless you are doing something specific that requires multiple partitions, you only want one partition per drive.
7. First you must delete any existing partitions on the drive you are going to format. Do this by right-clicking on the partition's box and selecting "Delete Partition..." Since you already know that you will be deleting everything on the drive, and have already backed everything up, you can safely say yes to any warning the computer presents you with.
8. If there are multiple partitions make sure you have saved everything off them since they might each have different drive letters (i.e. "D:" or "F:"). Then repeat the above step for each of them. If you only want to format one partition that is OK and you can continue to the next step without deleting the other partitions.
9. The box for the drive to be formatted should now have a black bar at the top of it and should say "Unallocated" under its size (see picture). Right click on it and select "New Partition..." The New Partition Wizard comes up.
10. In the New Partition Wizard click next. On the next page make sure "Primary Partition" is selected and click next. Now make the size equal to the maximum (it should already be set to it), and click next again. On the next page the computer will automatically choose the first available drive letter for the new drive. However, if you like you can choose another drive letter from the drop-down menu, and then click next.
11. Finally the New Partition Wizard asks if you would like to format the new partition and if so what format. Choose "NTFS" as it is faster and more secure. Leave the "Allocation unit size" as "Default." In the "Volume label" field enter whatever name you want the drive to have. Simple is better. Avoid using spaces. Lastly, if the drive is brand new and has never been used before check the "Perform a quick format" box. If the drive has been used before leave this box unchecked. Leave the "Enable file and folder compression" box unchecked and click next. Then on the next page click finish.
12. The wizard will now spend a little while formatting the drive. On old or large drives this may take a while. Do not close the "Computer Management" window until it finishes. You will know it is done when the word under the size of the drive changes from "Formatting" to "Healthy" and the name and drive letter you chose for the new drive show up. After it is finished you can proceed to use your newly formatted drive.
Formatting and Installing from the Windows XP CD
13. This section explains how to reformat a drive from the Windows XP installation CD. This can be used when installing a fresh copy of Windows onto a computer. Here it is especially important to backup all of your important information because upon formatting you will lose EVERYTHING that used to be on the drive. This includes all applications and device drivers, so you must back up everything you can.

Insert your Windows XP installation disc into your CD drive (Home or Pro--it does not matter).

Now as you computer boots a little more it will say "Press any key to boot from CD.." press a key to do so.

The CD will load up a blue screen and then spend a while loading files it needs. When it is finished it will list a few options, mainly "Press ENTER to set up Windows XP." Press Enter or Return.

Now you will be at a screen to select where to install Windows to. This is where you can delete old partitions and format drives. The box in the bottom half of the screen shows all your drives and the partitions that exist on them. Use the Up and Down arrow keys to highlight your "C:" partition and press the 'D' key (if all that shows up is "Unpartitioned space" and you have no C: or D: partitions, skip this step). On the next screen press the 'L' key to finalize deleting the partition.

Now you are back on the screen to choose where to install Windows. The box on the lower half of the screen should no longer show a partition but simply have an entry "Unpartitioned space xxxxxMB." Select this with the arrow keys and press the 'C' key to create a partition on the drive. The next screen tells you the minimum and maximum sizes the partition can be and lets you pick the size. The default size is the maximum, but double check that the number entered is the maximum and hit enter.

Now you will again be back at the choose where to install Windows screen. But this time you will have a partition that looks something like this "C: Partition1 [New (Raw)]xxxxxxMB." Highlight this entry and press enter.

The next screen lets you choose which file system to format the drive with. Choose NTFS as it is faster and more secure. If the drive is brand new and has never been used before then use one of the options that ends in "(Quick)." Or, choose one of the lower down options. Use the arrow keys to select the proper one and press Enter or Return.

From here you are all set and the installation of Windows will proceed starting with a format of your drive. This will take a while (over half an hour) so you can take a little break.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How to Add Videos to iPod

With the lone exception of the iPod Shuffle, iPods come with video screens that allow you to display album covers, music information and play videos as well. Apple's iTunes store offers a number of movies, TV shows and music videos for download, and you can also transfer home videos to an iPod through iTunes. Once you do, it's very easy to upload video from iTunes to the iPod itself.


Things You'll Need:

  • Personal computer
  • iTunes software
  • Quicktime software
  • iPod and connecting cable
  • Videos in digital format
  1. Save your video in a format that is compatible with iTunes. That usually means either a Quicktime format or an MP4 format. You can tell which ones they are by the extension name after the movie's title: it should say either ".mp4", ".m4v" or ".mov". Quicktime allows you to convert most movie files to these formats. Simply open the file in Quicktime and click "Save As" in the File menu at the top of the screen. It will automatically save a new version of the file as a Quicktime movie, which is iTunes compatible. In addition, videos directly downloaded from the iTunes store should automatically be compatible.

  2. Import the video into iTunes if it is not there already, either by using the "Add File to Library" command under the "File" bar in iTunes or simply clicking and dragging the file onto the open iTunes screen. Check the "Videos" or "Movies" file on your iTunes display to see that the movie is there, and click "Play" to let it run and ensure that it is working correctly.

  3. Highlight the video, then go to the "Advanced" menu on the menu bar on top of the screen. Click "Create iPod Version" or "Convert Selection for iPod." Wait a few minutes while the conversion completes (this could take quite some time for large files). If you have downloaded the video from the iTunes store, you may skip this step.

  4. Connect your iPod to your computer, using the cable provided for this purpose.

  5. Click on the iPod symbol under "Devices" in the iTunes library to bring up the iPod's options.

  6. Click the tab labeled "Movies" or "Videos," then check the box labeled "Automatically Update All Videos" or "Sync All Movies." Then click the "Sync" button in the lower right-hand corner of the iTunes screen.

  7. Wait a few minutes while the iPod syncs up. When it is finished, click on the eject symbol next to the iPod symbol in the iTunes library. Disconnect the iPod from the computer.

  8. Press the "Menu" button on the iPod and scroll down to the "Movies" or "Videos" selection, then click on it.

  9. Find the title of the video you have imported, then click on it again. It should begin to play on your iPod. You can use the iPod controls to rewind, fast forward or exit the video.

How to Add Two Cells in Excel

One of the best things about a spreadsheet is using formulas to calculate values automatically. When you tell Microsoft Excel to add two cells (perhaps the cells that represent the number of men and women in a class that you are teaching), the program will automatically recalculate the answer if the values of the cells being added change. These steps work with Microsoft Excel 97.


Things You'll Need:

  • Excel Book
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Office
  1. Start Microsoft Excel, and open the file you want to use.

  2. Click on the cell in which you want the total to appear.

  3. Press the + key on the keyboard. This character will appear in the cell and in the Formula Bar.

  4. Click on the first cell you want to add. That cell's name, such as B6, appears in the Formula Bar after the + sign.

  5. Press the + key again.

  6. Click on the second cell you want to add. That cell's name appears in the Formula Bar.

  7. Press Enter to complete the equation. The total will appear in the initial cell.

how to add cells in excel

In this section, we're going to use the Chocolate addiction spreadsheet from the last section. We'll add to it, and learn how to do some multiplying. We'll also learn how to copy and paste numbers from one column to another. We'll get some more practice with adding columns and rows.
In the last section, you saw how to add up a column of numbers. The long way to do it was this = Sum(A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 + A5). But for a column of consecutive cells, you learnt that there was an easier way. This: = Sum(A1: A5).
We can use that last formula to add up a Row of consecutive cells, too. So, click on cell J3 of your spreadsheet and enter the text "Individual Totals". Widen the column a bit. Your spreadsheet should now look like the one below:
Adding up Rows in Excel
What we're going to do now is add up the Rows. We want to know how many Mars Bars are eaten in any one week, how many Twix, how many Bounty bars, and how many Other bars. So the sum is the Monday total, plus the Tuesday total, plus the Wednesday total, plus the Thursday total, plus the Friday total, plus the Saturday total, plus the Sunday total.
If we start on the Mars Bars, we need to know which cells we want to add up. Then we tell Excel to do the sum. The first Mars Bar total is in cell B4, the second is in C4, the third in D4, the fourth in E4, the fifth F4, the sixth in G4, and the seventh total is in H4. So those are the cells we want to add up. As they are consecutive cells we can use the colon - B4:H4.
Next we decide where we want Excel to put the answer. We've just added a new headings called Individual Totals. This was in the J column. The Mars Bar heading was on Row 4. So the first total needs to go into cell J4.
  • So click on cell J4 with your left mouse button
  • Click inside the formula bar at the top
  • Type in the following formula:
  • Hit the Return key on your keyboard
  • The answer to all that addition should appear in cell J4
Once we have the answer in cell J4, we can use Auto Fill to get the answers to the other 3 Rows.
  • Click on cell J4
  • Move your mouse to the bottom right of the cell
  • The cursor turns into a black cross, as in the image below
The Autofill Cursor
  • When the cursor turns into a black cross, hold down your left mouse button
  • Keep the left mouse button held down and drag your mouse downwards to cell J7
Filling the rows
When your cursor gets to cell J7, let go of the left mouse button. Excel will Auto Fill the other three cells, inserting a formula based on the first one. The J column of your spreadsheet now looks like the one below:
The AutoFilled Rows
Click on any of those four cells in the J Column. Then take a look at the formula bar to see the formulas. Make sure you understand what is being added up in each Row, and how the answer is derived.
All right, we have the individual total for the chocolate bars. But we can also work out how many chocolate bars are eaten in any one week. The grand total, in other words.
  • Click on cell A11
  • Enter the text "Number of Chocolate bars consumed in a week"
  • Press the return key on your keyboard
  • Click back in cell A11
  • Highlight all of your new text and merge the cells (Do you remember how to do this? Click on Format from the menu bar. From the drop down menu, click Cells. Click the alignment tab strip in the dialogue box that pops up. Put a tick in the bottom box "Merge cells".)
  • Centre your new text and make it bold. The font should be Arial, 10 points
From our spreadsheet, there are two ways we can find out what the weekly total is. One way would be to add up all the Individual Totals in the J column. The other way is to … Well, what is the other way? What else could we add up to get the weekly total? We're sure you'll have no problem coming up with the answer.


  • Click inside cell F11
  • Enter a formula to calculate the weekly total
  • Press the Return key on your keyboard when you have the correct formula
  • The answer should be 80

In the next part, we'll take a look at how to copy and paste in Excel.

how to add brushes to photoshop

You may install the brushes to any folder.
I like to keep my brushes in a subdirectory of Photoshop in a folder named brushes.

Photoshop 5.0 Brushes Window Photoshop 6.0 Brushes Window
Photoshop 5.0 Photoshop 6.0

From the Brushes Palette in Photoshop, click the small arrow in the upper right corner of the palette, and choose load brushes.
Locate the directory where you have stored the brushes (.abr files) and select the file you want and click "load".
The brushes will be added to the current brushes.

how to add time in excel

Adding or Summing Time in Microsoft Excel

The biggest problem people encounter when they try to add time values is incorrect formatting of the results cell.
In our demonstration, both A1 and B1 are automatically formatted as time. A simple sum formula works fine at this point to provide a total of 4 hours.
Things change drastically when we try to add 12.5 hours to 12.5 hours, we only get a result of 1 hour.
That's because it's adding the time of day, and not hours. So if you add 12.5 hours to 12:30 on the clock, it's now 1:00 am. You wanted a result of 25 hours.
In the following demonstration, the resulting cell is formatted to properly add the hours. Note the square brackets around the hour format. If desired, just delete the last 3 characters in the Type box so you don't see the seconds values.
The only thing I've changed is the format of the resulting cell:

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

how to set classpath for java

For Windows like this 

javac -classpath dir1;dir2;dir3 ...

The difference is that Windows uses the colon (:) character as part of a filename, so it can't be used as a filename separator. Naturally the directory separator character is different as well: forward slash (/) for Unix and backslash (\) for Windows.( I ). For running a simple program we need to set the  java path  on command prompt(for temporary )& in Environment variable using PATH variable  & CLASSPATH variable :
PATH variable 
In JDK the PATH variable contains directories where binary files (e.g. EXE files in Windows) will be looked for.We set the PATH variables like this i.e path C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_03\bin 
(i)on command prompt
C:\>set path=%path;C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_03\bin%
When you open a command prompt and type "javac", you're supposed to have the "bin" directory of your sdk into the PATH, otherwise you'll get an infamous "Command not found" error message.
In JDK the CLASSPATH contains directories (or JAR files), from where your java compiler/runtime will look for .class files (and some others). For example, "java Hello.class" will not work unless you set the directory (or JAR file) Hello.class is in, into your CLASSPATH.
i.e.classpath  C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_03\lib

For setting CLASSPATH using command prompt  Java class path can be set using either the -classpath option when calling an SDK tool (the preferred method) or by setting the CLASSPATH environment variable. The -classpath option is preferred because you can set it individually for each application without affecting other applications and without other applications modifying its value.
(ii)on command prompt 
C:\>set classpath=%classpath;C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_03\lib%
JARs on the classpath
Java compiler and run-time can search for classes not only in separate files, but also in `JAR' archives. A JAR file can maintain its own directory structure, and Java follows exactly the same rules as for searching in ordinary directories. Specifically, `directory name = package name'. Because a JAR is itself a directory, to include a JAR file in the class search path, the path must reference the JAR itself, not the directory that contains the JAR. This is a very common error. Suppose I have a JAR jarclasses.jar in directory /jarclasses. The Java compiler look for classes in this jar, we need to specify: javac -classpath /jarclasses/jarclasses.jar ...
and not merely the directory jarclasses. For the CLASSPATH  use  CLASSPATH Environment Variable 
In java programming language we use the following packages such as*;  java. util.*;These  packages are  just a set of classes, you will want to store them in one place, separate from the directory where you are developing your program. Sometimes these libraries have a set of files stored in a single jar file ( with a .jar extension). From where  the Java compiler and run programs must be able to find any of these. This is done for command line use of Java and for some editors and IDEs by setting an environment variable called CLASSPATH. For  Windows, the CLASSPATH environment variable should look like this :
At the end " . "  includes the current directory in the search for classes. 
  • Suppose we have a directory MyJavaLib on the C-drive that contains some utility classes or the directories that correspond to some packages. This  is the part before the first semi-colon.
  • Second part indicates that we have some classes stored in a file myutils.jar
  • Third part indicates that we have a jar file blackboxclasses.jar. 
Finally, after the last semi-colon we have the period( . ), indicating that the current directory is on the CLASSPATH. If some things are stored in directories that are subdirectories, the complete path, starting with "c:\" should be in the CLASSPATH.
(2)  For  setting CLASSPATH & PATH variable  in environment variable by using the following steps:
(i) right click on my computer icon on desktop
(ii) click on properties
(iii) click on advanced

(iv) click on  Environment variables

(v)  system varables  click on  new

(vi) in ( variable name) write ----- path
in ( variable value)  paste the path till bin directory i.e.------- c:\java\jdk1.6.0_03\bin click on ok

(vii)  in system varables again click on  new

(viii) in ( variable name) write ----- classpath
in ( variable value)  paste the path till lib directory i.e.------- c:\java\jdk1.6.0_03\lib  click on ok

(ix) after finished click on ok

(x) finished click on ok

How to set System Classpath :
Java class path is set for including the various files during program execution & compilation.After setting class search path on the javac command line, we set `system' class path. This  class path  will be used by both the Java compiler and the JVM . In both Unix and Windows systems, this is done by setting an environment variable. For example, in Linux with the bash shell:

CLASSPATH=/jarclasses/jarclasses.jar;export CLASSPATH 

for Windows:

set CLASSPATH=c:\jarclasses\jarclasses.jar

We use this procedure for setting  short-term changes to the system CLASSPATH, but if you want these changes to be persistent you will need to arrange this yourself.For different - 2 system this path  is different . On a Linux system, we  put the commands in the file .bashrc in my home directory. On Windows 2000/NT there is a `Control Panel' page for this.
Setting the system CLASSPATH is a useful procedure if you have JARs full of classes that you use all the time.

how to set password in folder?

To add a password to your personal folders follow these steps:

If the Folder List is not visible, then click Folder List on the View menu.

Right-click the Personal Folders, and then click Properties For "Personal Folders" on the shortcut menu.

On the General tab, click Advanced.

Click Change Password.

In the Change Password dialog box, type your new password and verify it by typing it a second time.

Make sure that the "Save this password in your password list" check box is cleared (not checked). This prevents the password from being cached. You will need to type it each time you run Outlook.

After you have entered the password successfully, click OK three times.

The next time you start Outlook, you will be prompted to type a password before viewing the contents of the personal folder.

How to Improve Your Memory

All improvement in memory consists of one's habitual method of recording facts"
- Dr. William James, Father of American Psychology
Most of us might have complained about our memory one time or other. But some of you have been frequently complaining about your poor memory. When we generally talk about poor memory we are really talking about poor recollection. Recollection is possible only if the content is retained in memory. This is possible only if we have recorded it into memory. That is, unless we have not assimilated, we cannot recall at all. That is why William James and many others including mnemonists give emphasis to how we record things into our memory.
Even if we record something correctly in our memory, we may not be able to recall it. This is due to many reasons, the main reasons being problems in retention and stress. The former can be solved by systematic revision and the latter by practicing some Stress Management Techniques or using Stress Management Tools like HIT (Holistic Integration Technique) of Dr.V.George Mathew or the Award winning Guided Somato-Psychic Relaxation (GSPR) Technique of Dr.Krishna Prasad Sreedhar The latter can be learned by using audio cassettes.

Now let us discuss five simple techniques to improve memory: Four of these techniques are used to improve assimilation and thus to have longer retention. The last one is a simple strategy for recollection.
Perhaps Chunking is the oldest method used in memorization. In this method, the items to be memorized are divided into small and easily memorizable chunks or groups. This method works best when the order of the items is not important.
This method is found to be particularly well suited for memorizing multi-digit numbers (eg., ID nos., telephone nos., etc.) and for committing complicated spellings to memory.
  1. The number 472627607 may be memorized easily if it is grouped as 472, 627,607 or as 47, 26, 27,607.
    These chunks may then be learned by rote. Learning and retention are much facilitated if you further explore the nos. by finding some relationship among these different chunks. Finding the
    digital root will also be helpful. The more explorations or relations you do, the better.
  2. Words like mathematics may be divided into mat +he +mat +ics, Together may be divided into to + get + her; Important may be divided into im + port + ant. This technique will make us learn much faster.
  3. The list Apple, cucumber, paper, ink, cabbage, banana, grapes, beans, stapler, orange can be better learned by rearranging and applying chunking as :-
    Apple, banana, grapes, orange, cucumber, cabbage, beans, paper, ink, stapler
    -- 4 fruits, 3 vegitables and 3 stationary items.
If possible, organize the material as meaningfully as you can and think out relationships among each group. This not only improves learnability and retention but also aids in faster and effortless recollection.
Psychologists doing research on Human Memory have found that the capacity of Short Term Memory (STM) for humans is 7± 2 that is from the range 5 to 9 items. So you should take care to keep the chunks you create within this limit.
This is also one of the popular and oldest methods in memorization. This technique makes use of the fact that we have a natural tendency to remember rhymes and rhythms. The following is a very popular example of application of this technique which almost all school students are familiar with.
"Thirty days haveth September
April, June and November
All the rest have thirty-one
February has twenty-eight alone
Except in leap year, then the time
When Febs days are twenty-nine."
If possible create rhymes like this and it will not only aid in improving your memory but in improving your creativity as well.
In this method, a bridge is built in between the items given to be memorized. This technique is best suited for learning material involving word pairs or material that can be reduced to word pairs. An example often cited by memory experts is the learning of the capital of Poland. The capital of Poland is Warsaw. World War II started with Germany's attack on Poland. Thus it may be arranged as Poland SAW War first.
Here, the word pair to be connected together is Poland and Warsaw. The additional information of the World War II is used as a bridge or mediator in bringing these two words together.
 Again, like other techniques, the mediation technique calls for the learner's active participation in the learning process. This is because one is to bring in the mediator or the bridge from relevant items one has learned.

Bed-time Recital
In this technique, you do your recital or rote learning just before going to bed. The mind in the process of sleeping would then arrange the information in a systematic and effective way when you are sleeping. Psychologists have also found that if you sleep after thinking about your problems there is a better chance that you arrive at a solution the next day.
Steps for Memory Improvement
  1. Be in a relaxed mood
  2. Write down the things that you are supposed to remember in a piece of paper.
  3. Read it aloud (if possible) once or twice and recite it two to three times.
  4. Now go to sleep without worrying or thinking about anything.
You will surely retain the item longer and find it more easy to recall it when in need.

Trying by Not Trying
All of us apply this method knowingly or unknowingly. Sometimes when you try to recall you may not be able to recall it at that time even if you are sure that you know it very well. You experience a blocking that prevents you from recalling it. Normally you tend to try again and again but in vain. To handle this situation you just keep away from trying to recollect it and do something else; to your pleasant surprise that information automatically pops up into your mind after some time. This is because even if you stopped trying, the mind is searching for that information and brings it to awareness when it is found. Sometimes the information was blocked when you wanted, and mind brings it forward when the blocking is removed. This is where stress plays its role in hindering recall.
If you are very anxious by nature or very stressful in nature, you may encounter this type of blockage very often. In such case, it is highly recommended that you practise some kind of relaxation technique and thus keep your anxiety and stress away. This is very important because this behavior can bring many undesirable psychological and physiological conditions. You may even consult a Clinical Psychologist in extreme cases.