Friday, May 31, 2013

How can apply custom css to google calendar

Google calendar is free, powerful and cloud-based, making it a good budget choice for clients needing a calendar solution.
However, there are some issues with it that require outside coding to handle:
  1. The embedded version is impossible to style, because it’s in an iframe;
  2. The RSS feed is fairly opaque to work with, because much of the desired data is in custom Google namespaces, the feed address is full of variables, and the feed doesn’t account for time zones very well.
Here is an example of how to deal with both of those problems. The given examples are for PHP, but the concept and much of the code could easily be translated into .NET.


While Google provides some styling options for the embedded version of the calendar, they aren’t great, and consist entirely of variables encoded into the iframe src code. Unless your needs are *very* simple, I wouldn’t bother.
Width and height: Change the iframe “width” attribute to “100%”, rather than declaring a set width. That will ensure the calendar fills whatever div you put the iframe in. You can do the same for height, if you wish.
For real styling changes, though, you’ll need a code solution. In PHP, a useful script is ReStyleGC.


  1. Download the script folder, and unzip it on to your server.
  2. Get the embed code for your Google Calendar. It will look something like this:
        <iframe width="320" scrolling="no" height="240" frameborder="0" style=" border-width:0" src="">
  3. Change the red portion of the “src” attribute to point to the RestyleGC script instead, keeping all the other variables:
<iframe width="100%" scrolling="no" height="240" frameborder="0" style=" border-width:0" src="/restylegc-1.0/restylegc.php?showTabs=0&height=240&wkst=1&bgcolor=%23FFFFFF&">
How it works: You tell it the calendar feed to get. It grabs the feed, replaces Google’s stylesheet call with a local copy, then uses jQuery to replace the iframe contents.

for more information please click here.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

How to filter the balance sheet report date wise?

You can do one thing. Write a seperate like balancesheet and call that report from via XML by applying SVFromdate and SVTodate.

[Report : My Balance Sheet]
  Use  : Balance Sheet
  Form : Balance Sheet
  Set  : SVFrom date : ##SVFromDate
  Set  : SVToDate    : ##SVToDate
in XML,
Replace the Report Name with above.

for more visit here

Haw can i mail someone the balance sheet of tally 9?


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What Is the Function of an Accounting Audit?

An accounting audit performs a necessary function of assuring that a company not only is being truthful in its financial reporting but also that the company's operations are working as intended. Auditors may work either inside the company, conducting an internal audit, or for another organization, conducting an external audit.

External and Internal Auditors

External auditors are certified public accountants, or CPAs, who work as independents of a business or organization, examining the financial statements prepared by the management of the business or organization. The federal Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, requires companies that are publicly held to have their financial statements examined by an auditor. The auditor ensures that all statements made in the company's financial statements are accurate and truthful. Internal auditors perform similar tasks of assuring the company's financial statements are truthful and accurate, but they are employed by the company being audited.

Company Systems

An accounting audit does not only examine whether a company's financial statements are accurate, but it also tests that the company's systems are operating as they should. The systems an auditor examines include the company's internal controls, or the measures taken to reduce or eliminate accounting errors or fraud. Based on the results of an accounting audit, the auditors recommend changes the company should make to its processes or systems to eliminate problems and reduce future errors. The audit report also points out potential holes in the company's internal controls that would allow an employee to commit fraud and potentially not get caught.

Financial Goals

Companies should always be striving to keep operating costs as low as possible while not sacrificing productivity. An accounting audit takes a look at the company's financial objectives and goals to determine if the policies and practices established by the company are being executed as planned. The auditors suggest how the company can make adjustments to its practices and policies to create results that align with those goals and objectives.

Public Assurance

An external audit helps assure the public that the money invested in a publicly held company is being put to use as stated, instead of those funds going to other purposes or activities. The auditors ensure that the financial paperwork from the company aligns with the financial statements, eliminating the possibility of fraud or incompetence overinflating the company's stated financial success. Through an external audit, those who have invested in a company gain assurance that the company is engaging in the business activities the company represented at the time the investment was made.

For more info please click here.