Thursday, February 17, 2011

How to export data’s directly in excel format from tally 7.2 and Tally 8

Tally 9 allow you to export data’s directly in excel format. But you can’t do it in tally 7.2 and tally 8.
Here is a small tutorial for you exporting tally data’s from version 7.2 in excel file.
Consider exporting daybook.Go to day book press export button or use shot cut key Alt+E. Exporting screen will displayed.
tally export screen
Press Back space on your keyboard. And select Format as ASCII (comma delimited). Now give output File Name as Daybook.csv, now select some other option you want to export from the bottom of the screen.
tally export ready screen
Press enter to accept screen. Day book is exported in to tally program folder. Check program folder for file daybook.csv,
csv file
Double click on it, the file will open in excel program. If you want it in excel work sheet file, use the option Saveas, and save it in Microsoft excel workbook (*.xls) format.

How to change the data directory in Tally after installation?

Tally data directory is located in tally program folder by default. But you wish to change the data in another location, due to some reasons. Here is a handy guide how to do it.
Before doing it you should know about tally data. in tally program folder there is a subfolder called “data” in this subfolder there is one or multiple folders serially numbered each folder denotes a company data. You can see multiple files are stored if you opened this serially numbered folder.
Drive:Tally » Data » 10000» data files
From tally 9 version data folders are created with  five digit like “00001″ where as tally 7.2  has only four digits,starts from “0001″.

There are two methods of changing data location.

Method 1

Consider the case, you have installed tally in drive c:,by default tally data folder located in C: TallyData. And now you wish to change the data directory in D:data.
It is highly recommended to keep a back-up of all existing companies before changing the data directory.
Now go to C:Tally, copy the folder “Data”  and paste in D:
Go back to C:Tally Directory, find out Tally.ini tally inifile and open it. Locate the following wordings.
;; Specify location of Data files
Data = C:TallyData

Change it as below
;; Specify location of Data files
Data = D:Data

Save Tally.ini file & close it, open Tally program press F1 from the gateway of Tally. You will lead to select company screen where you can check the data directory is D:Data.
directory location
Now tally will automatically save all the data’s to D drive. Now you can delete the directory “Data” from program folder from which we copied to D drive.

Method 2

Consider the same as above; changing directory from c:tallydata to D:Data
Open tally, Go to company info menu; if your tally auto loading of company is disabled program will directly go to company info menu. if auto loading is enabled Gateway of tally will open. In this case Press Alt+F3 to go to company info menu.
Take a Backup of data to some where on your computer for example : E:
Now go to tally program folder and open “Tally.ini” and locate the following wordings.
;; Specify location of Data files
Data = C:TallyData
Change it as below
;; Specify location of Data files
Data = D:Data
save and close Tally.ini file. Open the program, Company info menu will open, Select Restore press enter , restoration window will open like below.
the destination will be D:Data  and source will be the location where we have stored back up file, if the source  is different, type it manually, now select company from the list press enter and accept. The data is  stored in D:data. Check whether the data location is correct by Pressing F1. Now your tally data will start storing in D:Data.

Change the data directory in tally erp9 after installation

If you are using Tally ERP9 ,your data folder may be located at C:Tally.ERP9Data . If you need to change the location to D:Data , you can decide the location at F12 configuration.
Gateway of tally » F12 » Configuration » Data Configuration
Tally erp9 data config
After accepting the screen tally will ask you a confirmation for restart for effecting the changes made.
Now you need to  copy the data folder from C:Tally.ERP9 to D:

How To backup and restore tally data

Tally backup and restoration.

Data back up is most important for every accounting software .and it is recommended to keep data’s on an external storage device like CD, USB Drive etc. instead of keeping a single device, storing  data’s on  one or more device will give you more security against damage of storage device. There is one more good way if you are using internet at your work place. Compress the data by using any of the compressing software, like WinZip, winrar etc and send it as an attachment to your own email id, if you are following this, you don’t need a storage device, Gmail is always best to do this. What I recommend is to take back-up on a daily basis. Back up process require a couple of minutes but if you lost data you will have to work days, or weeks to re-enter the lost data.
There are two ways to take tally backup.
Open tally, go to company info menu, probably you will have to press Alt+F3 in case auto loading of company is enabled. Go to backup & Press enter
Company info»Backup
Back up screen will open
backup screenSelect source, you don’t need to change this because by default this will be your data directory folder. Press enter to allow cursor to come on next field. Now enter destination directory where you wish to store data back up on your computer, let’s store on D:Backup. Press enter you will prompt to select the company from a list on your right side. If you wish to take back up of all the company, select all. Press enter to accept the screen.
Open D:Backup; Make sure there is file starting with TBK Something like “TBK900.001” Copy this file to your external storage device. You are done.
Now Let us restore the data.
Go to    company info » Restore
restore screenIn restoration screen Destination comes first where you want to restore data. This must be your tally data folder. By default the destination directory will be your data directory and you don’t need to change it. Now select source, where you have stored your back up files. This may vary because you might store backup files on an external storage device, so enter the drive name where back up files located. Say I:Backup.Now select companies you want to restore from a list on its right side. Press enter to accept the screen.


This is the easier method. But not recommended .Just copy the “data” folder from where tally stored data. In most case you can find data folder in tally program folder itself. If you don’t know where the data folder is located. Press F1 from the menu Gateway of Tally and fid out the address.

How To take backup of mysql database

This tutorial explains the how to backup and restore the MySQL Database. Databases are used to store large amount of precious data and it becomes very important to Backup your data. In case case of some hardware or software failures  backup data can be used to restore the Database.
Backing Up MySQL Database
MySQL database backup can be accomplished in two ways:
a) Copying the raw mysql database files &
b) Exporting tables to text files
Copying the MySQL database files
MySQL uses the same table format on different platforms, so it's possible to copy MySQL table and index files from one platform and use them on another without any difficulties (assuming, of course, that you're using the same version of MySQL on both platforms).
Exporting tables to text files
The MySQLDump is handy utility that can be used to quickly backup the MySQL Database to the text files. To use the MySQLDump utility it is required to logon to the System running the MySQL Databse. You can use Telnet to remotely logon to the system if you don't have the physical access to the machine.
The syntax for the command is as follows.
mysqldump -u [Username] -p [password] [databasename] > [backupfile.sql]
[username] - this is your database username
[password]- this is the password for your database
[databasename] - the name of your database
[backupfile.sql] - the filename for your database backup
Let's discuss the example of backing up MySQL Database named "accounts" into text file accounts.sql. Here are the scenarios of taking the backup assuming that both user name and password of the database is "admin".
a) Taking the full backup of all the tables including the data.
Use the following command to accomplish this:
mysqldump -u admin -p admin accounts > accounts.sql
b) Taking the backup of table structures only.
Use the following command to accomplish this:
mysqldump -u admin -p admin --no-data accounts > accounts.sql
c) Taking the backup data only.
Use the following command to accomplish this:
mysqldump -u admin -p admin --no-create-info accounts > accounts.sql
Restoring MySQL Database
Restoring the MySQL is very easy job. You can use the following to command to restore the accounts database from accounts.sql backup file.
mysql - u admin -p admin accounts < accounts.sql
In this tutorial you learned how to take the backup of your MySQL Database and restore the same in the event of some database crash or on some other machine.

How To take care of skin in winter

Take good care of your skin care during winter with these winter skin care tips.

As the winter months sets in, the weather turns colder, windier and drier, your skin will need some extra help and protection from the environment. Sometimes, the weather may change rapidly and you need to be prepared. Otherwise the skin on different parts of your body such as your hands, your face and your lips will begin to become dry, chapped and crusty.

Is it necessary to have a winter skin care routine?

When the temperatures change, a change in your skin care routine is necessary. Get to know your skin a little, how it works and the effects of winter conditions on the skin. Then adjust your usual skin care routine a little and it will make a difference to your complexion during winter and help to improve the overall health of your skin.

So use the following winter skin care tips to adjust your winter skin care routine as the cold weather draws near.

Taking a hot shower daily is important for the hygiene of your skin. You should do so in winter too. Keep these winter skin care tips in mind when stepping into the shower:

* Avoid harsh (typically colored, fragrant or antibacterial) soaps and stick with mild non-drying soaps.

* Apply your moisturizing cream immediately after bathing and toweling dry. This will seal in the moisture. Use moisturizing creams and ointments that are more appropriate for the body than the face.

Choose a really good moisturizer. Without doubt, this is the most important winter skin care tip.

For your day cream, choose one that contains zinc oxide, and provides SPF30 protection. Good Moisturizers should form a protective barrier against the environment and its elements. Select preparations which are creamier and water-in-oil emulsions.

Your skin may become extremely irritated during winter. You should have some extra heavy duty moisturizing cream handy. You will need them for these problematic areas.

Do you have dry skin? The harsh winter conditions will make your skin even more dry. Watch it! Click here for more tips on dry skin care.

Your lips – do not forget about them. Lips become easily chapped during winter. It is a very common and noticeable winter problem. Soften them up and pamper them throughout the winter season.

You should use a lip balm to keep the lips moisturized and prevent them from drying out. The 3 essential qualities of a good lip balm:

* Good moisturizing properties
* Provide a barrier and protects the lips against the elements
* Contains vitamin E for good elasticity

If your lips are peeling, heavy moisturizing alone will not treat the underlying problem or get rid of unwanted peeling skin. Waxes alone do not have any rejuvenation ability. They cannot help to replenish lost moisture. Choose a product that has AHA. Soften the lips nightly. It has a therapeutic effect on the lips.

Are you on Accutane or other medications that has a drying effect on your skin? It is still okay to use the above regimen. Consult your dermatologist. He may be able to prescribe an ointment that will help solve your problem. Or he may get you off your Accutane regimen temporarily.

One of the huge concerns of winter is dry hands and cracking fingers. It is worse if you do a lot of housework or your work requires you to come into contact water or chemicals a lot.

The dryness of the environment causes water to evaporate very quickly. As the water evaporates, it removes moisture from the skin too. So exposure to water actually dehydrates the skin faster.

After washing your hands, seal them with a towel immediately and gently pat dry. You should do the same to your body after a bath.

Such simple habits help to prevent what is commonly known as winter itch. As one age and gets older each year, the likelihood of suffering from winter itch is even higher.

Your hands and your fingers tend to suffer more due to their constant contact with the elements. Use simple hand creams to help protect them against the elements in the environment and retain moisture. Use therapeutic options when the hands are suffering from itch and cracks.


These creams build a barrier between your skin and the cold, dry winter weather. Use a good, bland moisturizing cream frequently.

Use creams and not lotions. Lotions are absorbed quickly into the skin. It will form the protective barrier that is required.

Switch to a cream or ointment base during winter!


Are you suffering from painful cracks around the fingertips? Do you have hard and dry skin on the hands?

You may need some prescription options or antibiotic ointments to treat and heal the cracks and fissured areas.

Do you have a past history of this type of condition? In this case, plan ahead and keep your regular therapeutic creams handy. Apply them before any fissures form.

Do you have psoriasis or eczemas? Consult your dermatologist and keep your prescriptions and ointments handy. Ask your doctor about the moisturizers that you should use.

Keep your finger nails moist and prevent them from turning brittle.

One key winter skin care tip is to minimize exposure of your skin to water. The less contact the better.

If you have to do housework, wear protective gloves.

Applying a nail hardener will help to protect and toughen them up.

Take calcium supplements but be sure to follow the dosage given in the package. Are your prone to kidney stones? Check with your doctor before starting them.

Do you have seborrhea commonly known as dandruff? Use non-prescription medicated shampoos will help you to keep the condition at bay. Watch out! Medicated shampoos tends to cause your hair to dry out and your hair will lose its shine.

During summer, we often complain about oily skin. However, this is noticeably absent during winter due to the drier weather and central heating. Therefore the skin finds it harder to retain water in the dermis layer. Premature agind and fine lines are the result. The skin may also appear grey and puffy.

The number of times that you exfoliate should be increased to twice a week. Exfoliation helps to remove dead skin cells and allow the skin to absorb more moisture.

Drink lots of water to prevent dehydration. Try drinking a glass of hot water with lemon. Some people believe that this herbal remedy will help to re-energize your body. It will also help to detoxify your entire system, including the liver and gall bladder. This means that your body will be able to clean the blood faster to get rid of toxins responsible for bad skin.

Get plenty of sleep! Sleep is when your body will rejuvenate itself. During sleep, the oxygen levels in your body will drop.

Lack of sleep will take a toil on your body in the long run. If you do not get sufficient sleep, your body and your cells (including the cells in your skin) will not have a chance to be renewed as quickly. Degenerative skin aging sets in.
,br> It would be ideal if you can get at least seven, if not eight or nine hours of rest a night.

Don’t forget your sun protection! The sun doesn’t go away just because it’s snowing or cloudy!

Continue to use your sunscreen with an SPF of 15 that protects against both UVA and UVB. This is an important step in your daily winter skin care routine. The sun ages your skin ... Prevent it!

You may want to change to a more hydrating base for your sunscreen for wintertime. Extra hydration does not mean extra oily. There are many formulations available that are oil-free. Also, wear a sun protective hat.

Winter is the time of the year when skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and seborrhea flare up. You should have your prescriptions handy. Start on them early. This will cut down on flare ups and treatment time.

Some people report that their acne condition turn worse during winter time. While damaging to the skin, the ultraviolet rays of the sun could have actually help to reduce the formation of acne. So when summer sun is gone, acne may flare up. Again, the best protective action is to have your prescriptions handy. So if you are prone to acne flare-ups in winter, book an appointment early with your dermatologist. You don’t want to wait 6 weeks to get your prescriptions filled or changed.

Be careful of poison ivy! The plant resin could be carried in on logs for your fireplace. To protect yourself, wear gloves when handling the logs and wash your hands immediately after completing this task. Just in case, stash up some poison ivy medicine in your first aid kit.

Last but not least, protect yourself from frostbite. Watch out for frostbite if you are outdoors, at high elevations or in windy conditions or have wet clothings. Change your clothes immediately when coming in from skiing or other winter sports. Carry extra clothing and blankets in your car when traveling.

How To take care of hair

Natural resources

Making sure to receive your hair the right amount of nutrients is the first way in which you can take care of. To prevent your hair loss and help looking your hair healthier zinc, protein and other natural resources are used. In order to make sure that your hair stays thicker and healthier maintaining a balanced diet will also help. The beauty of your remaining body can be observed in the way the hair looks. This ensures to take care of your body in order to prevent hair loss.

Cleanliness of your hair loss

By Another way in which you can take care of your hair effectively is to make sure that you are remaining it balanced with cleanliness. You should not wash your hair less than once a week, although it is recommended that not wash your hair more than once a day. With the proper washings it will allow the dirt and oils to come out of the hair. In order to permit for protection, it will also allow nutrients to move through the hair. Consider using a softer type of shampoo or one that has specific medication, if you have a sensitive scalp to help your hair.

Don't style your hair negatively

Another way to help prevent hair loss is to make sure that you don't style it in a way that will influence it negatively. For instance, blow-drying your hair is identified to affect the cuticles that defend the hair. In order to prevent damage, you should use the heat level on low if you have to blow dry you hair. When you hair is damp or dry you should learn to style your hair. This will prevent hair loss by not putting as much stress on your hair. When your hair is wet, it will be easier for it to stretch and break.

Different products

The different kinds of products that you are putting in your hair are another consideration. Some of the hair products will contain extra chemicals that can be harmful while most hair products that are used for dying hair are known to be safe. This will cause leave your hair exposed by losing the protective layer. Over time, this will cause your hair to be lost easily.

Balance with nutrients and cosmetics

When looking into ways to care for your hair, it is vital to keep your hair balanced cosmetically as well as with nutrients. This will affect in preventing hair loss over a longer period of time in you. It will also allow your hair to continue healthier, thicker and better looking. It will give provide you with the proper tools for prevention of hair loss by finding what affects your hair and how it affects.

Hair loss preventive treatment

Hair loss happening is the common notice you observe when you become older. Natural changes occur in the body are one of the reasons for this. These then relates to the amount of pigmentation, hormones and proteins that are being produced. If you are aging and recognize hair loss, you can be assured that it is a natural part of the aging process. The treatments for this are adding more protein to the diet or find a variety of supplements that can help you to age gracefully.

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how to take a seminar

Seminar time......Lots of journals, pdfs, slides etc. in front of you. But you have
overcome all that obstacles by sheer hard work and feel proud about knowing the
topic. Now comes the problem of presenting it. Many of you may have stage fear,
tension or lack of communication skill. Just don’t worry and check it out this at
least once, I bet it will be helpful. So let’s see.........................
1. Wear a professional outfit, but just one thing it should be comfortable for
2. BOYS: Have a descent haircut.
3. GIRLS: don’t put a lot of jewellery and gaudy coloured dresses.
4. Best to have an ID tag with you.
5. And most important thing is be simple.
That’s all about your appearance; actually it doesn’t have much to do with
your presentation skill but helps to create an impression on the audience. Freaky
costumes can attract your friends but may fetch you the mark, you never want.
Deepthi M
Govt. Engg. College, Palakkad
1. Rehearse your seminar in front of a person who is a great critic of yours
or a friend who is good at taking seminars.
2. When you are on the stage take a deep breath .
3. Then have a look at everybody in the hall before you start.
4. Never put your hands in the pocket.
5. Never rub your hands.
6. Don’t be fast.
7. Don’t worry if you have problems in your communication skill. Just
think that may be you loose marks in the communication part but will
definitely score well for guts!!!
8. Sometimes most of us get tensed by seeing the seminars of others (who
have taken it nicely).
Don’t develop any inferiority complex within you. Just remember one
thing that “you have your own style and that is unique”.
9. During the questionnaire, if you do not know any answer then instead of
beating about the bush, just have the guts to say that “with my limited
knowledge I am not able to answer your questions but I will surely find it
for you”.
10. Never let the smile go away from your face.
11. Last but not the least, have faith in almighty and in yourself.
I believe that up to now some of you must have developed a little confidence in
you. So on that node let’s see what are the things that can add beauty to your
1. Keep your shoulders straight and maintain a confident expression
throughout your seminar.
2. Your voice should be loud and clear but it doesn’t mean that you must
scream. Just be audible.
3. Always wear a smile while presenting, it reduces tension from your
face and creates pleasentness in the atmosphere of the seminar hall.
4. Walking freely is appreciable but while walking, avoid looking at the
5. Look at the slides but just for reference. Never read the points of the
6. If you are stuck at some point then leave that point and continue with
the rest. If you are not moving forward then it may hamper your whole
7. Never keep a written note in you hand, it will tempt you to refer it
during your seminar and will deteriorate your expectations about your
I hope that this article would have fetched you at least some points that would be
helpful for your seminar.

how to capture a picture from a video

When trying to capture an image or create a screen shot from a video in Microsoft Windows Media Player using the print screen button the captured image will be a blank or black image. There are several different answers that can apply to this question. Depending on the movie that is being played and what codec it is using may change what will work and what will not work. We suggest going through each of the below recommendations; if a solution does not work, continue down the list.

First solution

While in Microsoft Windows Media Player, press "CTRL + I"; if the video you are watching is using a Microsoft supported movie file, you should receive a "Save Captured Image" window, allowing you to save the image as "capture" or any other name.

Although this solution is a quick and easy solution, you may not get the results you want as the image will often be smaller and lesser quality than what you see when you press the keys. If you wish to capture better images at any size, even full screen, try the second solution.

Second solution

Notice: This solution should only be used to capture images from any video; once done, it should be changed back as it may cause other issues. However, this should work with all video files.

1. Open Microsoft Windows Media Player.
2. Click Tools and then Options.
3. Within the Options window click the Performance tab.
4. Within Performance click the Advanced button.
5. In Video Acceleration Settings uncheck "Use Overlays"
6. Click Ok.
7. Finally, click Apply, say Yes if prompted, and then Ok in the Options window.

Once the above steps have been completed in Windows Media Player start the movie file and when to the location you wish to capture a screen of press the print screen button on your keyboard. You can print the screen in window mode or in full screen mode, although full screen mode may not have the best resolution.

Once you've pressed print screen it should be sent to the clipboard and allow you to paste that file into another program. If it is not working properly in your image editor program try pasting the screen shot into Microsoft Paint.

Finally after you have captured the screen shot repeat the same above steps however check the "User Overlays" box to re-enable this feature.