Nowadays the most effective way to share your thoughts and opinion is to create your own weblog a.k.a blog. But how to start your own blog? Fortunately, starting a blog site is an easy task.
- You do not need to know anything about web development to start blogging: you can create and manage your blog site using some of the free blog tools that are available;
- All you need to do is open a hosting account where you can have a blog application installed and activated. At SiteGround we offer FREE blog installation with our blog hosting package and you can start your site right away.
- ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income
of using a ready-made blog tool
- The blog application has many built-in functionalities such as posting articles, HTML editor, commenting, archive, menus, themes management, etc.
- The most popular blog tools have a large supporting community. You will be able to find free themes for your blog and customize it the way you like.
Which blog application to use?
With the help of a blog application you needn't be a web designer or developer to share your thoughts with the world. In the following pages you will find brief instructions on how to build your own blog by using some of the most popular blog applications:
- Learn how to create a blog with WordPress;
- Learn how to build a community website with BuddyPress plugin for WP;
- Find out how to create a blog with Drupal;
- Find out more about the Pixelpost photo blog system;
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