Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How To Fade Brown Skin Spots Quickly

Having brown spots could really ruin your dream of having a healthy and blemish-free skin. Though not in an instant, you can lighten up these unwanted spots in your skin! You just need to know what to use and how to use it properly to fade them. To hasten up the process, just remember to follow these helpful tips.
  • Consult a dermatologist. Ask your trusted dermatologist for specific skin treatment to fade your brown spots. Dermatologists can provide you different options depending on your skin type. Make sure that you note specifics such as allergies to any drugs or drug content. It’s also best to ask for hypoallergenic skin care products that are suitable for most people.
  • Know your skin care products. There are a variety of skin care products that are available in the market specifically to fade away brown spots. Remember to read carefully their direction for use. Here are three basic classifications ofskin care products.
      • Exfoliating scrubs. They help you remove the dead skin cells while bringing out your newer and fresher layer of skin.They also revitalize your skin as it digs down to your pores cleaning away unwanted spots. Use them as prescribed or during your daily wash.
      • Creams and lotions. They act mainly as your skin’s moisturizer. Your skin needs extra moisture to be soft and radiant all over. Creams and lotions have safe and proven chemicals that aid in fading skin spots and blemishes. This may come in day creams, night creams and even daily lotions for use. If you’re not certain what to mix and match you can always ask your dermatologist what works best for your skin type.
      • Sunscreen. It is widely used to have that extra layer of protection against the harmful UV rays of the sun. Your budget would depend on the added benefits and SPF strength it has. But more importantly is that you apply it before you get exposed to the sun to experience its full effects.
  • Alternative home remedies. You can also use fresh lemon juice to fade away those unwanted brown spots. It contains natural acids that help lighten up those spots and refresh your skin with its antioxidant properties. Soak your cotton swabs with an ample amount of lemon juice and rub it gently to the spots you want to fade. You can repeat the process at your own convenience. You may also add apple cider vinegar as well as horseradish roots to your lemon juice to boost the desired fading effects.
  • The sun’s harmful rays. Though you can’t really hide from the sun, try not to overexpose yourself when the sun is at its hottest. This is one way you can do to quickly fade those unwanted spots. It also ensures that yourskin care products can work in your skin problems undisturbed.

You’re now ready to show your skin’s inner glow! Enjoy the benefits of having beautiful and radiant skin. Say goodbye to your brown spots and hello to a new you!

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