Friday, December 23, 2011

how to avoid tension?

Tension headaches are also known as stress headaches, non-progressive headaches and muscle contraction headaches. They affect 30-80% of the adult population and may be episodic or chronic in nature. Tension headache can last from a few minutes, hours and days to several years and are quite annoying.
Tension headaches are characterized by pounding pain which is felt on both sides of the head and is accompanied by the inability to concentrate, fatigue and irritability. Some patients feel as if their head is being compressed in a vice.
Tension headaches hang on even after the person has woken up from deep sleep causing him/her to feel dull and drained out. Such individuals are often unable to fall asleep or stay asleep for adequate periods of time. Stress and mental tension are the main culprits that trigger tension headaches.  Other causes include prolonged hours of work, irregular eating habits, empty stomach, sleeping or sitting in an odd posture, eye strain and caffeine withdrawal.
Treatment of tension headaches:
Avoid stress:
Stress is the main underlying cause that needs to be eliminated in order to treat tension headaches. You need to take out time for relaxation and exercise on a regular basis, meditate and relax the mind in order to battle stress.

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